Exceeding Expectations
What is a stay at Memorial Hospital like?
To contact the nurses station in the inpatient area dial: 217-357-8530
1454 North County Road 2050
Carthage, IL
Though a great number of conditions can be managed just fine with outpatient care, sometimes patients need a level of care that requires admission to the hospital. If your condition requires your admission to Memorial Hospital, you will automatically get a private room. We know that you’d rather be home, but we’ve done our best to make our private rooms as comfortable as possible. Because we also want your loved ones to be comfortable during your stay, we have a family center with day beds (window sets that turn into beds). Every room is design with your comfort and privacy in mind.
While you’re here, you’ll have access to all of our technology and skilled staff, from the most advanced imaging to immediate use of our high-tech laboratory for the fastest-possible and most accurate test results, to meals designed by our dietary staff to suit your particular needs.
We are proud to provide access to quality care you can count on, including physical, occupational and speech therapy, respiratory therapy, transitional care, comprehensive discharge planning and end-of-life care.

Calls to Patients
With the hospital’s phone system, patients can receive calls directly, rather than going through the hospital switchboard. Friends and family can call a patient’s room directly by dialing 217-357-85_ _ and the last two digits of the patient’s room number. The room number is located on the phone nearest to the patient’s bed. Please call between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. to allow undisturbed time for sleep.
What is the Transitional Care Program?
Our Transitional Care program – referred to as Swing Bed Care by some – provides a different level of hospital care. See our Transitional Care page for details.
How will my stay affect insurance coverage?
Depending on whether you are designated as receiving inpatient or outpatient care, your insurance or Medicare may cover your stay differently. Not every overnight stay is designated as inpatient. If you have questions about whether your care is considered inpatient or outpatient, talk to your medical provider.