What is LDN Therapy?
Low dose naltrexone (LDN) therapy uses micro doses of naltrexone to treat a variety of health concerns. Naltrexone comes in a compounded liquid that is taken orally with minimal side effects.
Does LDN Therapy Work?
Research has shown LDN therapy can be a safe and effective way to address:
- Autoimmune symptoms
- Chronic pain
- Infertility
- Neurologic disorders
- Post-COVID symptoms
LDN Therapy Risks
If you’re curious about trying LDN therapy, there are a few things to consider. First, LDN therapy shouldn’t be taken if you’re currently on narcotics or other pain medication.
Please consult your LDN prescribing provider and inform him/her of your specific medical conditions.
Is LDN Therapy Right for Me?
If you’re curious about using LDN therapy to address your chronic pain or autoimmune condition, call 217-357-6815 to make an appointment with Dr. Kim today.