What do contractions feel like? How long does labor last? As the baby’s birth nears, the mom may feel uneasy about what childbirth entails and how to care for a newborn. To help expectant parents prepare for the road ahead, we offer free educational classes that address labor and delivery, and breastfeeding, and offer a breastfeeding support group. All classes are instructed virtually through Microsoft Teams*.
*Due to the ongoing COVID-19, many maternity classes are being delivered online until further notice.
For specific class dates and to register, call (217) 223-8400, ext. 5901.
Virtual Prepared Childbirth Classes
Call (217) 223-8400, ext. 5901 for dates and to enroll.
This class is designed to prepare mom and family for the delivery of a baby. Hospital nurses will help everyone learn the labor experience, become informed of the choices for birth, and create the best experience for mom, family, and baby. Whether wanting a natural birth or choosing medication, the risks and advantages to consider and planning to do birth “your way” will be covered. Couples will be taught coping skills to assist with the discomfort of labor and will be given a tour of the Blessed Beginnings maternity unit. The process of labor, medical interventions, C-sections, and the characteristics of a normal newborn will all be covered. Our goal is to give families the information they need to formulate a plan for labor and to reduce the anxiety of being in the hospital.
Additional Helpful Information
Hospital Checklist
- A few baby clothes
- Nursing Bras
- Nursing Pads
- Dermoplast Spray
- Diaper Cream
- Nipple cream
- Tucks pads
- Robe
- Flip Flops or Slippers
- Toiletries
- Clothes for Mama
- Your Favorite Pillow